NOVO Premium NOVO Premium contains access to our software, further updates for our software and customer support for the purchased period. Our software is a powerful add-on to improve your ingame experience in CS:GO™. It offers many features which are highly customizable. You can easily configure all features through our GUI (screenshots below) or through our cloud config system. Configs can easily be shared with the whole community. Software information: Detailed Featurelist: Spoiler: Detailed Featurelist Aimassist: Enable/Disable Custom Aimkey Hitbox Selection (multiple hitboxes possible) Closest fov / Most damage Team Visibilitycheck Smokecheck Max Flash (Flashchecks) Fov Distance based fov Silentaim (Normal/FirstShot/Combined) Smooth (Normal/Constant/Time based) Smooth x/y Non sticky Aimtime Smartaim Target switch delay Jumpchecks Auto pistol Cornerscan/Multipoint Backtracking implemented Recoil Control System Rage hitscan and other hitscan modes Autowall Legit autowall Autowall key Min damage override Hitchance Autoshoot Autoshoot key Priority Hitbox Bodyaim if lethal / on key / on missed shots Bodyaim hitbox selection Shot delay Trigger: Enable/Disable Custom Key Hitbox Scale Smoke Check Autowall Autowall key Delay Pause between shots Burstfire Hitchance Jumpcheck Custom Hitgroups Flash check Magnet Trigger Silentaim Fov Smooth RCS Prefere head/body Aim time Backtracking implemented Skinchanger: Skinchanger Knifechanger Glovechanger Stickerchanger Live updating stattrak Different settings for CT/T Skinconfig autosave on disconnect Backtracking: Enable/Disable Time Team Visibility check Autowall Rage Backtrack Silent Backtrack Standalone Backtracking (can be used without aimassist and trigger) Backtracking implemented in aimassist/trigger Recoil Control System: Standalone RCS After shots Compensation X Axis Compensation Y Axis Visuals: Enable/Disable Streaming Mode EAC Support (ESP) Visibility checks Smokechecks Over 20 Player ESP Features Key (during key press / toggle) Enemy only Visible only Only when dead Box (Normal, Cornered, 3D [rotating]) Name Weapon Healthbar Armorbar Skeleton (white/playercolor) Headdot (white/playercolor) Defuser Bombcarrier Planting Defusing Hostagecarrier Grabbing hostage Flashed Scoped Helmet Barrel Backtracking Legit Player colors (CT/T or Team/Enemy) Step esp (circles or text) Grenade prediction for other players Offscreen esp / fov arrows Dormant ESP Entity ESP (Weapons, Defuser, Grenades) Bomb ESP (Timer, Defuse Timer, Damage, Planting, Bombsite) Hostage ESP Chams (Textured, Flat) Chams alpha Healthbased Chams Grenade Prediction Anti Steam Screenshot Map Radar Spectator List Item Purchase List Player Rank, Win List Recoil crosshair Noscope crosshair Draw fov Hitmarker Rankreveal on scoreboard Antiaim arrows Dangerzone full esp support (loot, etc) GOTV Compatibility OW Revealer Remove visual recoil No Flash No Smoke No Scope No Grass No Fog Nightmode (scalable) Game fov changer Zoom fov scale Viewmodel changer (fov, x, y, z, roll) Thirdperson Ineye demo reverse view Disable post processing Coop coin esp Indicators Grenadehelper: Spot correction Aim correction Auto throw (jumpthrow supported) Auto duck Auto run/strafe Movehelper: Movement recorder Spot correction Aim correction Misc: Panic Key FACEIT Server Side Mode Legit antiaim (lby, micromovement) Legit antiaim edge Legit antiaim freestanding Legit antiaim disable anti flick checks Legit antiaim manual Bunnyhop Bunnyhop key Autostrafe (normal, wasd) Exojump boost Legit bunnyhop (hitchance, max hits, ..) Auto Accept Animated Clantag Fakelag Fakelag key Antitrigger Smart Knifebot Edge Jump Jump bug Silent Load Legit AA Resolver Playerlist Zeusbot Name spammer Chat spammer Enemy location spammer Hitmarkersound Sonar/SoundESP Autostop Autostop key Autoscope Auto hold bots Blockbot Runboost helper Grenade Helper Add own grenade spots Spot correction Aim helper Slowwalk Disconnect on scoreboard Peek assist Standalone quickstop Playerlist: Is Friend Is Enemy Alias Priority Resolver Settings Override Aimassist and Trigger Settings Configs: Ingame Menu Weapon configs for each Weapon and Weapon category Cloud configs Disable config binds option System Requirements: Spoiler: System Requirements - Constant and reliable internet connection - Virtual machines are not supported - Secure boot must be disabled (Windows 10,11 only) - Supported Operating Systems: Windows 8.1 - 64bit - Version 6.3 - Build: 9600 (latest Win8.1 version) Windows 10 - 64bit - Version 1511 - Build: 10586 Windows 10 - 64bit - Version 1607 - Build: 14393 Windows 10 - 64bit - Version 1703 - Build: 15063 Windows 10 - 64bit - Version 1803 - Build: 17134 Windows 10 - 64bit - Version 1809 - Build: 17763 Windows 10 - 64bit - Version 1903 - Build: 18362 Windows 10 - 64bit - Version 1909 - Build: 18363 Windows 10 - 64bit - Version 2004 - Build: 19041 Windows 10 - 64bit - Version 20H2 - Build: 19042 Windows 10 - 64bit - Version 21H1 - Build: 19043 Windows 10 - 64bit - Version 21H2 - Build: 19044 (latest Win10 version) Windows 11 - 64bit - Version 21H2 - Build: 22000 (latest Win11 version) GUI Screenshots: Spoiler: GUI Screenshots Terms of Service and Refund Policy: Terms of Service Refund Policy Payments, Activation and Delivery: All subscriptions are prepaid. There are no recurring payments and no automatic renewal. Your account will be activated instantly after your payment has been confirmed. Then you are able to download the software. Support and Contact: - Quick support is given on our Forum via Thread/Ticket. - You can also contact us at contact us or write an E-Mail to [email protected] - Voicechat Support (Teampeak & Discord) is also available. Price: NOVO Premium 1 Month: 20 EUR* 3 Months: 50 EUR* ( 16.67 EUR* / month ) 6 Months: 80 EUR* ( 13.33 EUR* / month ) 12 Months: 120 EUR* ( 10 EUR* / month ) * Prices do not include Tax. Tax will be calculated based on your location and added at checkout. (only applies to EU customers)